Teknologi Powerware Hot Sync

Teknologi UPS Paralel

The number one function of a UPS is to supply continuous conditioned, reliable electricity to a critical load. In case of a single unit, reliability can be increased by modular design, where redundant internal modules can take over each others’ tasks-, if one of the modules fails. To further increase reliability, a true parallel configuration can be employed, where two or more units share the load. A failed unit is isolated while the remaining ones continue to support the critical load. Competitive UPS products on the market utilise centralised or distributed load-sharing technology with the master-slave principle, which introduces a risk of single point failure. The absolute reliability of a UPS system can be achieved with patented Powerware Hot Sync® parallel load-sharing technology. Hot Sync technology is designed for parallel redundant N+1 systems to satisfy 24/7 applications. It can also be used in parallel capacity systems to benefit from scalability for customers’ everincreasing load demands. Hot Sync erases single point of failure, with an ability to synchronise and support critical loads independently of other UPS modules in the system. UPS modules can share loads without any communication wiring to the outside world..

Teknologi Powerware Hot Sync

Rahasianya di sini adalah algoritma pemroses sinyal digital (DSP) terpasang yang dipatenkan, yang berjalan terus menerus di setiap unit. Ia mendorong output UPS menuju sinkronisasi dan menangani pembagian beban. Jika ada bypass bersama (common) yang tersedia, maka bypass tersebut digunakan sebagai sumber sinkronisasi yang valid untuk output. Bila tidak terdapat bypass bersama (common), prosesor membuat penyesuaian halus pada frekuensi inverter berdasarkan pengukuran tingkat daya keluaran untuk menemukan frekuensi bersama (common) dan keseimbangan beban antar unit UPS. Sebagaimana ditunjukkan pada gambar, terdapat hubungan antara ketidakseimbangan daya dan perbedaan fasa tegangan.

Manfaat pengguna:

  • Tersedia untuk produk fase tunggal dan tiga fasa untuk memenuhi misi kritis hingga sistem 2,5 MVA (400V).
  • Peningkatan sistem UPS paralel yang mudah dan modular dengan kapasitas tambahan atau "redundancy" menghapus "single point of failure".